Help! Fast checkout took money out of my bank, no record in transaction history.

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I tried to checkout on a product with PayPal and when I clicked the pay button on the PP website, it took me back to the checkout cart on the website I was buying from. It said I still needed to pay for my cart. When I checked by bank account, the money for the items was taken out, but there's no record of it on my PayPal history. Money taken, no transaction history, item not paid for. How do I get this money refunded as it seems to be a problem on PayPal's part, and their virtual assistant is difficult to deal with.
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Hello @jaxonsb


Welcome to the PayPal Community! I'm sorry to hear there's been an issues with a recent transaction. It sounds like the payment didn't actually complete at that time, and what you saw on your bank's end may have just been an authorization. If that's the case, the authorization should fall off in a few days, and you should be able to reattempt the transaction without issue at any time. 

Good luck!


 - Jon K

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