Can't add funds to PayPal account from Bank


I'm helping my dad with his account that's been set up for a few years. We have a bank account linked and confirmed. We couldn't add funds from the bank account to have funds available in PayPal. We were told it needed to be converted to a "Balance Account" and could do that by receiving funds and keeping them in PayPal. I sent him $10 and he kept it in PayPal by confirming all sorts of personal info. 


He still can't transfer from the bank account. He tries by going to Wallet--> Transfer Money --> Add money from bank or debit card. When we select that a page comes up, seems like somethings happening, and then nothing, going back to the transfer choices. 


Help chat is impossible as it takes 45 minutes to reply and if you don't keep your eye on the chat they'll reply and leave before you realize it.


Please help! 

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i am having the same problem with my account,  i called paypal and was told they know about the problem and are working to fix it by the end of this month 4/30/23  wow what a way to take care of there customers! i been using paypal for about 15 years and never had any problems. sad for this to happen from a big company like paypal.. what happens to customers that pay their bills and can't add money from their bank accounts.  you would think they would release a note about this problem in the app.

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pmhgeneral Thanks for your insights from your time discussing this with PayPal. I couldn't get anything from the person I talked to about this. As I stated, they just gave a way to get it fixed with no indication that THEY were the one with the problem, not us. 


I guess I'll table this until May and see if anything is fixed that that time. 


Thanks again for keeping me from banging my head on my keyboard. 

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pxchevrier, no problem they told me they would let me know when it is fixed they said there are many with the same problem. I just hope it does get done real soon this is ridiculous. Please if you find out anything please let me know and I will do the same.
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