Where can I file a complaint


To whom it may concern: I'm Chelo [removed], on June 22, 2023, I called paypal and talked to a representative name Mark. I had an issue with my checking account that I wanted to link. Due to rejection my account multiple times now they have blocked that account. Just to summarize the 1 hour and 22 minutes of our conversation he was telling I have no other options to pay my paypal card. He frankly said its my problem. As a customer who just wants to pay my bill he was of no help. Since I was talking to him for so long, that he turned into a Diva, by saying, Chelo, in a not respectful manner. He even pointed finger that this was my fault for this happening. "In your part" telling other representative the wrong information. He literally couldn't handle me no more so he transfers me to Synergy or synocy company and he tells me that his the credit card company. Than I was passed on to Macy, who claims she couldn't hear me. Is this communication company coming from the Philippines? All I hear was tagalog conversations and her muting so she ended hanging on me. I got Tasha, phone line got cut off. Than, Era, which she finally gave it to her supervisor, Jean. With all the record of the past conversation and a short summary she was ableto shortly tell me what I can do next instead of how Mark handled it. He really made this worst with his Diva responds. He was more into who was going to win this conversation. He didn't even try to help when I was asking for help with my frustration. He made this call personal and I do not appreciate that. He can not handle pressure like this situation. He left a bad taste. Please listen to this conversation. I am really angry

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Hi @Justinpete,


Thank you for posting in the Community Forum and for bringing this to our attention. That's definitely not the experience that we want customers to have. I will pass this feedback on. I appreciate the time you've taken.


I'm glad you were able to get the resolution with Jean!




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How do you even get to speak to a live person? I have searched the entire site for a way to make a call, and I have had no success. I need help with a return. 

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