The print shipping label service is temporarily unavailable, please try again


Hi everyone,


I've consolidated several threads into this one, so everyone can see answers in the same place.


The error message is a little confusing because it's generic. I'm sorry about that, but I can clarify here.


This error most commonly occurs when there is a formatting discrepancy on one of the addresses going on the label. It can be either the ship-to address OR the ship-from address. Even addresses that have passed validation previously may trip up the validation on subsequent attempts, so it is important to check both addresses even if they have worked before.


Go to and click to "Look up a zip code". Paste in the buyer's address. If the USPS has the address listed in different formatting, edit it for the label. Remove a business name if that differs. Change "street" to "st" if that's how the USPS has it. Remove trailing spaces if the address you pasted in has them. The validation can be finicky!


If the error continues to occur, do the same for your ship-from address. Even if it has worked previously, you may find that this resolves the problem.


I hope this helps!



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Hello Olivia, I tried your suggestion to address a possible invalid / undeliverable / bad formatted address. However, the address verified exactly as entered. I had high hopes that was going to do the trick.


Prior to this attempt, I read it was an Adobe problem. I followed that advice, too, repaired Adobe, and restarted the computer. I allowed a few hours to pass with the assumption it would resolve itself. I also attempted it on a different computer altogether, all of which were to no avail.


This is the first time I have encountered this issue, but from the forum postings, it's not new. I can print Priority Mail directly from, but first class shipping is the only way I can offer free shipping, and that is not available on through PayPal. Free shipping is a decision maker for buyers, but I do not have much markup to begin with. This is a big deal to all small businesses who can't afford one of those monthly subscription services just for access to first class shipping. I can also overcome it by going to the post office on Monday, but what a waste of everyone's time and energy, not to mention that my reputation suffers as a seller with shipping problems. Surely a huge organization like PayPal with specialized programmers to begin with...can resolve this. This is just wrong.


Since your November 18 posting, has any other solution come to light? Thank you in advance. Your confronting the problem is appreciated. Debbie

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Hi 15Promises, and welcome to the community forums!


@15Promises wrote:

Hello Olivia, I tried your suggestion to address a possible invalid / undeliverable / bad formatted address. However, the address verified exactly as entered. I had high hopes that was going to do the trick.

Sometimes it appears to match, but there are trailing spaces or stray characters. Go ahead and click to edit the address, and make sure there are no hidden trailing spaces.


Also, if either of the addresses has a business name as the first line of the address, that will be a mismatch against the USPS database. The first line should be the street address.


Let us know what happens!



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Thanks, Olivia, I can see how those possibilities could present problems, however, I can't even get that far. Simply clicking the button to go into creating the shipping label gives the message that shipping is not available, please try again later. This is now several days of non-availability. I took my package to the post office today and just "Marked as Shipped" in the transaction. At least it was cheaper than the same shipment through PayPal. I hope you all can resolve this. Thanks again. Debbie

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Hi folks,


Thank you for researching here for your answers. The community is a great place to find tips and tricks from other customers who've figured out how to resolve technical incompatibilities.


For those who've tried the steps I outlined throughout this thread: I'm sorry to hear you're continuing to experience this issue. Since our generic troubleshooting hasn't yielded a solution, please give Customer Solutions a call. A representative can walk through some troubleshooting specific to your account, and file a ticket to technicians if the problem cannot be resolved on the call.


If you find a solution on the call, definitely come back and share it with others!



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I'd like to start this off with saying:  "This has nothing to do with my cookies or internet cache, I've had this problem after freshly installing windows on a new computer"


Printing off shipping labels is painfully slow.  Shipping day has become excruciating, there is very little input I actually need to physically do, but I have to sit there spending 99% of my time watching the screens load.  If I try to open a few tabs and multitask, I'm met with instant paypal server errors that not only force me to start the label over again, but to enter in all the information manually, since once a server error occurs with an item, that item is effectively tainted and unusable.   These errors are all too common, and will happen even when I'm printing one label at a time.  I can't in recent memory recall a time that I've shipped with PayPal and didn't run into a major paypal server error.


Please Please PLEASE upgrade your servers.  PLEASE!!!!!!  Also, please don't tell me about cookies or internet cache! This is not the issue!

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Yes, I'm having the same problem today with Paypal, but I can't even print a single label, just get "technical difficulties" messages when I try to complete one.  I hope it's fixed soon, please!

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I'm having horrible trouble too, can't print any labels, even from multi-order.  PLEASE get on this paypal...horrible time of year for glitchy shipping tools!

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I am also having this problem.


With all the responses, this many people are having the same computer issues?


It seems to be an issue on the PP side.





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I am also having the same problem. I tried from both Safari and Firefox, usually if one doesn't work the other will, but never have both not worked. Paypal needs to hurry and fix this problem because I have over 20 packages to ship out today

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I had to pay for shipping twice label half printed, this is not the first time. I am still waiting for refunds from several other transactions. seems paypal dont want to refund me. TODAY THE LINK FOR VOID SHIPPING LABEL IS NOT WORKING I CAND NOT REPRINT THE LABEL OR VOID THE LABEL. I HAD TO PAY FOR THE SHIPPING TWICE, ONCE I HAD TO PAY THREE TIMES FOR SHIPPING AND NEVER RECEIVED A REFUND.

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