Payment from seller


I had my website made by a company over in India who had a top rating.


To cut a long story short, after the site was completed I started to have problems with customers paying by paypal and not being able to download the PDF, I complained to the company and they fixed the issue which lasted a few weeks then the same problem started all over again and are now ignoring all my complaints.


Now for some reason I customer has just bought a PDF and the paypal reciept says he lives in Isle of Wight but his email with the reciept is from the people over in India who designed my website. I emailed the customer who says that email is not is on the reciept but says he did pay for the pdf?


Hope that makes sense, I am worried that some how the company over in India are diverting payments from my site to there company and was wondering if this is possibl?  


Sales have suddenly slowed down after the launch of my site from at least 4 a week to 1 every month.


My site is a none profit making and all revenues are used to keep the site live to help others.


Any advice or help would be appreciated.

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Hi smee2, 


You should be able to check on your website what email address that payments are to be sent to. The email address should be the email address that you have registered on your PayPal account. If you are not sure how to change this information or alter your website may I suggest that you review our PayPal's developers website as this has all the information needed for setting your website up to take PayPal payments. 


I hope this helps


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