Scam on ebay with buying bitcoins


Hi there,


I m a new seller on ebay and i sell bitcoins,

the following occured on the first day,  i sell 5 items and within 2 hours two different people 

open a claim on unauthorized use of their accounts after they received the bitcoins from me.


Paypal takes the money on hold and start a 'investigation' so they call it.

I uploaded all info i got from the buyer like bitcoinadress messages like thank you i received the bitcoins etc.

After a few days first case get s closed and they took the money and give it back to the buyer which also has my bitcoins.


So know im **bleep**, i started my own investigation and after a few minutes tracking the bitcoins where they went 

i found out both the different people send the bitcoins to the same adress  so or they know each other and work together 

or the 2 persons are just one person.


Paypal does nothing else then protecting the buyers (scammers) and just take my money and give me the responsibillty

that someone else losses his passwords or gets hacked ' or just scams ' 


If you have the same thing happend to you please let me know 

i have a screen with over 15 payments from sellers to those two people maybe we can stand together to get our money back from paypal.


And i hope someone can help me figuring out to prevend people from scamming me this way.



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Just had the exact same thing happen to me 2 days ago, I have 500 feedback 100% on eBay, and this was the first time I tried selling bitcoin through eBay, it all sold within 2 hours, and now 2 days later all but one of theee people have claimed unauthorised access to the account, and I stand to lose around £500, this is absolutely ridiculous. I can't understand how they can offer you to sell digital goods on eBay, when in reality as soon as they make a claim through PayPal and not eBay you are **bleep**. So 6 Different accounts in the space of 2 hours were hacked and decided to buy from me? I don't think so, they are blatantly scamming people and getting away with the majority of the time. I have only won 1 case so far, 1 still going and lost the other 4, it's ridiculous , I have sold digital goods (for a video game)on eBay for 2 years prior to selling the bitcoin, and not once had this unauthorised **bleep**, something needs to be done about these people, I will be going to the police and reporting all of the names and addresses involved but after that I'm not sure what else I can do.
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Ugh it's so ridiculous. Honestly PayPal are the ones that need to figure it out, eBay doesn't ever seem to be the one that restrains any funds in this method of fraud. I'm currently still fighting (over a month now) three cases by the same individual for a total of over $5k. I'm curious how did you beat the one case you mentioned? I've lost 2 of 3 cases already but I called and appealed them back open again. My sales were from LocalBitcoins so I thought I was safe, guess not. The only thing I'm hoping for is that on LBC the user had scammed other PayPal users in the same fashion and they left feedback regarding it so I've sent that off to PayPal in the hopes it would help prove hes **bleep**. Hoping maybe you can shed some light on what you did to beat the one case of yours, as well if there's anything you'd like to ask me if you think I can help you beat your case as well I'd be happy to help.

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Yeah I feel you Man, it really is ridiculous, the one case that I actually already won, was won within 1 hour of making the claim, I uploaded no evidence and I just got an email from PayPal saying there was no evidence of unauthorised use of the buyer's account, so the funds have been restored, but that was the first claim then it's just gone down hill from there, I have another one open which I should win though they did they claim through eBay not PayPal. And I spoke to eBay and they said I will get my money back by default if they can't return the bitcoin back to me lol I don't understand the system because it seems that if all the unauthorised cases were just handled by eBay (when selling with eBay) the way they should be, then we would have no problem, but the fact is that as soon as they make the claim through PayPal, the seller protection which we are promised as sellers by eBay, goes out the window, I thought I had more protection than this but I was wrong, and I am sorry but I would think that you would have even less protection as you wasn't using eBay but I'm not familiar with the site you mentioned.
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If you are interested in selling Bitcoin safely then sites like LocalBitcoins and Paxful are the way to go, they are dedicated marketplaces specifically for Bitcoin sales via a plethora of purchase options. I'm not sure about Paxful because I haven't sold there personally, though I have friends that have and attest to its legitimacy. Both sites use an escrow system for payments, and being a seller you basically control the ultimate decision whether or not the buyer gets any conis or not. In theory they have a pretty good system down, so as long as you have your wits about you and don't let anybody smooth talk their way into you releasing the coins before you receive payment then you have nothing to lose. 


My mistake was noticing that there was the option to accept PayPal as a receiving payment option... I like to use PayPal and honestly have never had a problem with them that wasn't handled appropriately until now. I like the fact that I can see the payments that have been made, the very moment they are made. I don't like having to wait and hope either this or that happens and then I get my money; I like quick, seamless, PayPal lol. My false assurance in this system is what caused my downfall. I saw the funds had arrived, and thought "Good to go!" when that's just that false sense of safety. If you aren't completely dissuaded from selling any Bitcoin still I would be down to do business in whatever way you feel comfortable with. If interested just look up my username on LocalBitcoins, I have the same username there as well. 



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I feel your pain. In the cases I suffered of charge backs one I wonder if it was a chancer the others were genuinue cases of the persons eBay / PayPal account being hacked. Either way the seller always seems to be at fault. eBay indicate that as a seller you should be covered but in practice PayPal don't provide any protection in this situation from my experience at least. I have since sold Bitcoins on Localbitcoins without such issues although I now do view PayPal transactions in a very different light when not selling a product which can be posted and insured by a courier.

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New Community Member
It just happened to me right now!!! Someone used my paypal account to buy $499.99 worth of bitcoins, using a different eBay account that isn't mine! Watch out everyone! Scam artists are starting to figure out to scam out of your bitcoins by stealing people's paypal accounts! I let the seller know immediately about the issue 50 mins in the transaction, this way he dosent send out the bitcoins!
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FRAUD ! I agree I reported a few users on ebay that scammed me in the same way. Ebay does not have respect for long therm members like myself and did not protected me. I lost money as you described. I even complained below to ebay reporting the buyers with no result.
''this buyer is a scammer along with others that are using the opportunity ebay gave them to gain cryptocurrency and reverse the payment using means like reporting that they have not used they account. I have been a member of ebay for many years and never came across this type of reasons to avoid the payment after the items sent. Very clever. I feel very insulted by ebay to allow it to happen to me as a long therm member. I lost about 100 pounds in the last 2 days being cheated by this user and a few other using exactly the same tactic. I am reading now on google of many other victims of this scam that ebay is allowing to be happening despite multiple reports of the same fraudulent practices''

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Q. Why do eBay/PayPal allow crypto to be sold if there's no seller protection even though the PayPal payment received states that there is? A. That's because they want their fees and always side with the buyer. Even a snapshot of the Blockchain transaction isn't accepted as proof! The only solution is to NOT accept PayPal for crypto transactions as over 50% are scams. The only safe way is bank transfer or other crypto, but a buyer can still say that they received nothing even if you post the Blockchain proof. Of course, the buyer wins! I've now stopped selling crypto on eBay as crooks are now the majority of buyers. I think eBay's days are numbered as it's now become a very dangerous place no matter what you're trying to sell.
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I agree, it makes little sense apart from that such fraud seems to generate further revenue for eBay and PayPal. In one of my examples I received a charge back. The buyer got their money back, I was still charged eBay seller fees, PayPal fees and now to add insult to injury today I found PayPal will charge me a £14 per transaction charge back fee!

What annoys me most is that in practice one of the true benefit of Bitcoin is the blockchain and public ledger of transactions. We can prove that we carried out our transactions in good faith. Just as eBay pick up delivery tracking numbers there could be a field to capture the target bitcoin address and from this an inbuilt API confirm the bitcoins had been sent/received. Thing is then in such cases of fraud us sellers might be covered and PayPal/eBay lose out and have to accept that it is their poor account protection in not forcing 2 factor authentication or that eBay and PayPal accounts can't be linked or have the same password etc etc to avoid this happening.

Like many of you I have now lost faith in PayPal after their treatment of me as an eBay seller since 2002. I know that over the next few years I could be hit by further charge backs going back years and further pain in trying to resolve these issues.

PayPal learn from Bitcoin, evolve, develop and help tackle cyber crime or go the way of the dinosaurs!
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Here is the bottom line, do not sell any crypto currency on eBay or through PayPal. If you do, you are going to lose your money. There are so many platforms now to sell these currencies without paying a temper cent commission and an extra 3% in fees to PayPal. At some point, you just have to think these sellers like self-inflicted pain. If you want to donate free bitcoin, I will post my address below Please send as much bitcoin is you would like and you will not get any money from me, it will be just like an eBay transaction
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