Unfair Permanent Account Limitation. - Seeking Help.


I'm utterly devastated by PayPal's unjust actions. Despite following all their rules and engaging in completely legitimate transactions, they've permanently banned me with no valid reason. Every payment I sent or received was consensual, and I can provide proof of this. I've even offered to cooperate fully and have them contact the parties involved directly. I haven't sold anything illegal; in fact, everything I did was within their guidelines. I worked hard for that money and was looking forward to buying my favorite monitor to enjoy gaming, only to have my dreams crushed by this unfair ban. It's incredibly depressing and saddening to be treated this way after putting in so much effort.

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Most common reasons for an account limitation are:-

1. You have a previously limited account (temporary or permanent) and you have tried to open a new account and not resolved the issues with the other account first.
2. Using a VPN.
3. Not living in the country where you opened your Paypal account.
4. Being under 18 / minor account.
5. Having 2 Paypal accounts or more of the same account type.
6. Not having your legal name on your Paypal account.
7. Selling items (often virtual or digital) that Paypal consider a high risk of disputes/chargebacks.
8. Using the friends/family option for sales transactions to try and evade Paypal fees and risk of disputes.
9. Too many disputes/claims.
10. Violating their acceptable use policy as per link.

Normally you can't appeal a permanent limitation however if its none of the above reasons then you could try and contact customer services to appeal?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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All of the stuff above i never have done. and about contacting customer services i can't find no email no number to call or anything.

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