Transaction Invisible Request Refund


hello ive bought a digital key  from  ( cj cdkeys )  but there was an issue  trheir orders are mixed  and my account is not showing correct orders, ive tried to reach out to them with their contact  but i got a bot response and then no human response for 3 days now  so i would like to issue a refund.

ive got the email from paypal  esentoialy a receet   but transaction id  when i click on it i get a blank screen showing



We were not able to process your request. Please try again later


and so i cant find this transaction on my paypal whatsover nor do i know how to request a refund 

ive read something about  guest payments long time ago  but i cant find any information on this myself  

so if you guys can help out and guide me it would be much appriciated.


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