Made an order, paid and never recieved anything from seller

Hi, I bought a product online. I paid via PayPal and never recieved an Email from the seller about this order. This was in December. Still no Email. I searched on the website for a possibility to contact the seller. I can't contact the seller, there is always a "problem" when I send my request. I want my money back but PayPal doesn't help me. I guess the seller doesn't exist and this has been scam. What can I do?
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What does it say on the transaction in your paypal account?

Have you clicked on the transaction and filed a dispute using the report a problem link bottom of that details page?

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@kernowlass The transaction looks completely normal. However, the recipient is TikTok and not the seller. Which I find strange. The payment was in US dollars and our currency is Euro. Yes, I reported a problem, but the case was closed by PayPal. You can see that I reported a problem. It says: Thank you for reporting this case. Following our investigation, we have determined that certain transactions were unauthorised and therefore not covered by PayPal Buyer Protection.
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Esteemed Advisor



A dispute for an unauthorised transaction is telling paypal that your account was hacked and used without your consent to make that transaction.
Paypal would check IP addresses and devices and close the dispute if it was you that made the transaction....which it was.


Why didn't you open a dispute for non-receipt of item????

You are only allowed 1 dispute per transaction so the only way you can get a second dispute opened is to contact Paypal and see if they will open a second dispute for you.

If not then if you funded your paypal payment via a credit card then consider contacting your card issuer and see if they will help you with a chargeback?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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