I lost all my money in transfer with somoene else to unlock funds


I made an offer for selling something online i was selling it 2000€ and i found a buyer but the buyer wanted an intermediary so she gave someone to help us make the transaction ( he help the transaction by getting the buyer's money and my "item" and gave us what we want when he have everything to avoid scam ) but he started asking insurance fee of 250eur so i send him my insurance fee and the buyer wasn't able to pay so i pay for him too and then the problem started , he said that paypal hold the funds so i have to send more for paypal to unlock the funds and for him to be able to refund me but i always had to send more and i ended up sending nearly  229 780,73PHP (almost 3600eur) in order to unlock his fund and to refund me the money i gave until now but for today im now in debt at the bank and he asked me to send 28417.48PHP (447eur) else paypal will keep the fund ,(because they now removed all the funds from his account to hold it on their end ), and if i dont send this by tomorrow they will keep the funds forever .

(i only sent money by friends and family)


Help me can i do something about it , like talking with paypal to ask a refund or did i lost everything ?

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