I got an email/on-site message from PayPal "asking for feedback" but can't figure out how to reply?


I got a message from PayPal to the effect of the following (specific details snipped out):
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Dear [Me],
In order to provide better service to our customers, we sometimes ask our users to give us feedback on a product or service they had paid for using PayPal. Our records indicate  [details on the transaction]. Please help us by answering the following questions pertaining to your purchase experience:
1. Was the item/service received in a timely manner after sending your funds through your PayPal account?
2. Were you satisfied with the item/service you purchased by using your PayPal account?
3. If you did not receive the item/service, did you receive any refund from the seller?
4. What product/service was involved in this transaction?
5. How did you find out about this seller's product/service? Please provide the URL of the website (or relevant links) on which you paid for the product or service.
We thank you for cooperation and hope that you respond to this email at your earliest convenience once you have got the item.

Komala P. 
PayPal Account Review Department
Copyright © 1999-2023 PayPal. All rights reserved.


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I cannot figure out how to reply. How should I go about doing this?

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Hello @GrayAnderson


Welcome! Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear there's some confusion surrounding a recent email you've received. What you've described does not sound like a normal email PayPal would send. I might recommend forwarding this to our phishing teams for review. You can find their email address here: How do I spot a fake, fraudulent, or phishing PayPal email or website?


I hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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