How to unlock account after closed disputy

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I opened a dispute to the seller because she sold me a wrong described item. She told me, that her account is now blocked and cannot make any purchases/selling. Finally I get my money from Resolution Center, but the seller still complains that her account is blocked. Is it possible somehow to unlock the account of the seller? Or it is getting unlocked automatically, when I was recharged from PayPal? 

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Esteemed Advisor



The seller could have been limited for many reasons and its between them and paypal and nothing you can do about it really.

They could have had a lot of disputes and yours was the latest OR they could be breaking paypal rules in another way.

If they can get un-limited is dependent on if its a temporary limitation in which case paypal will inform them on what to do OR a permanent limitation.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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