How to contact PayPal without going through the virtual assistant?

New Community Member

Can’t find out how to report a fraud because I foolishly paid a deposit via friends and family. I know I can’t get my money back but I want to stop them doing it to anyone else. I can’t seem to just send an email to customer service or speak to a human on the telephone number. I can’t use the resolution centre either because it’s through friends and family. I feel that PayPal are assisting thieves.

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Esteemed Advisor



As you sent a 'gift' of money then unlikely paypal can do anything to consider it a fraud.

It only becomes a fraud if they are scamming lots of folks and advertising payment by f/f on their website etc.

But if you want to try then go to the acceptable use policy via legal bottom of this page and there is a 'report' link on that page.  

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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