How do I block money requests


Hi I've got someone constantly asking for money via PayPal money request. How do I go about blocking this person from doing this please? Also how do I block from sending money to them and remove them from my personal PayPal account please?

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Just had the same thing happen to me.


Account I don't use much, an obvious scam trying to request over £1000 for an iphone I know nothing about

No way of reporting it and apparently if you cancel it the scammer knows which just lets them know the account is active.


I've removed virtually all my balance and deactivated banks and cards until PayPal sort this out, but by the look of the posts here they don't care

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Just happened to me too.

Paypal offers no way to report and block fraudulent money request scammers, other than to forward the paypal email to their phishing team and hope for the best.
I don't want the request for the cost of an iphone to be sitting in my transactions, awaiting me to misclick or accidentally have the app go off in my pocket or something, so I'm going to need to cancel the request, which will let the scammers know the account is active. 

Reporting the transaction using Paypal's resolution methods returns the error that those kinds of transactions (money requests) cannot be reported. Useless.

Please let us turn off money requests!

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I have been receiving these requests for months now. This is quite astonishing that we can't directly report people, with a button like "Block", let alone disable money requests. I started reporting those requests as "Ponzi schemes" a couple of weeks back, but it's a lot of effort given the simplicity of adding an opt-in or opt-out of receiving money requests from people not in your contact list. That's crazy at this point. I am also evaluating alternative to PayPal now.. That's sad... UPDATE: I went into the settings and disabled the search, so my profile won't show up in there. Friends won't be able to find me anymore, but we can fix that. Hopefully it's how the scams started, we'll see...
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Under Profile, select “Close my account”. Problem solved. 
I mean it, I won’t trust a company with my money when they ignore such a blatant flaw for years. There are so many alternatives, it’s not worth the aggravation. I mean, it would be a simple toggle under Security to “Accept requests only from people in your contacts”

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Indeed disappointing that Paypal doesn't have a way to turn feature off.


Meanwhile, I discovered that I had a page turned on, with being a very easily guessable URL that was acting like a honeypot...

You can turn that off here: PayPal: Settings

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I never had PayPal me on but it still happened to me just stopped using PayPal

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It is ridiculous to allow strangers to send money request somehow via the service without any control to turn it off. 


As a user, I request paypal to turn it off or stop using the service for good.



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Could not agree more.

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Had the same problem and I found the answer. On the PayPal App. Go to Profile icon on top left. Click on ‘Data and Privacy’, click on ‘Search Privacy’ then uncheck all of the ‘Requesting’ options. Done.
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New Community Member

I just got a fraudulent money request and canceled it and then blocked the person but I do not find the options you describe in my iPhone app at all.  I would definitely prefer to never receive a money request from anyone on PayPal and block/turn off this feature entirely but it doesn't seem possible.  This experience has me considering closing my PayPal account entirely.

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