Help! Can’t close account because of limitations

New Community Member
Hi Long time user of Paypal (I’m 35, signed up when I was 17). My account was limited in 2019 and since then I can’t send or receive money - I used it for business transactions and hit a limit so they had to perform KYC checks. Once said checks were complete they said I had fraudulently opened my account under the age of 18. (Despite it being fine to use for nearly 13 years). Anyway, I understand the above and don't really care about it. I have no use for Paypal anymore. My issue is that I need proof of account closure to unlink the account from my Betfair account. I have just had a big win and it will only let me split the withdrawal via debit card and paypal. But, as you know - my Paypal is defunct and can’t accept money. Betfair will only let me unlink with paypal by sending then confirmation of account closure. So I need a l screenshot of some kind of confirmation. When I choose the “close account” option on the account page it tells me I need to “resolve account limitations” but then there is no way to resolve these, so I can’t close the account. I can never speak to anyone in customer services - live chat always says everyone is busy and then kicks me out telling me to come back at 8am the following day (this happened every day, irrelevant of time). How can Paypal be so hard to contact? And how can I just shut my account for good? I’m fed up and just want this done with. I hate Paypal and need them to do one last thing before I finally wash my hands for good with them
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You can't close a permanently limited paypal account and you would not be able to resolve an illegally opened minor account unfortunately.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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