Being charged twice two days in a row for the same payment


I was charged $76.87 to my bank account by paypal for the exact same payment twice. Once yesterday and again today. And of course it's impossible to speak to an actual human being about paypal's own **bleep** up. 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Does the transaction show twice in your paypal account?

Has the seller been paid twice and if so have you asked for a refund?


Advice is voluntary.
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I had a negative balance of 76$ which I paid off with a payment sent to me yet they still charged me twice for that amount. The 2nd time they charged me doesn't appear in my transactions.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


If you have failed bank transfer then Paypal automatically keep trying to access those funds to clear your negative balance.
They have already fronted the payment to the seller on your behalf and so want the money owed.

If you sent a bank transfer to your Paypal account and Paypal also automatically applied for the funds as well then you would have 2 payments processing to your paypal balance.

The first one to arrive will clear the negative balance and the second one will be credited as a + to your balance and you can withdraw it back to your balance once cleared.


As bank transfers to sort a negative balance go as echeques allow 5-7 days for them to transfer. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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