PayPal decides unacceptable and then after 8 months of waiting, they keep our money?

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Is it typical of PayPal's antics to approve a Merchant account and then some months later decide you are unacceptable, lock/limit your account and then keep your money?

We've waited more than 8 months and now all we get is a template message the account is limited.

This company is basically stealing our money and keeping it.

Any thoughts on how to proceed from this point, anyone?

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Hello @Skainet


Welcome to the PayPal Community! I can certainly understand how frustrating for your account to be locked and limited. Normally, when a limitation is placed, you should receive some kind of notification detailing the nature of the restriction. In the cases where there's been an Acceptable Use Policy violation, that limitation / restriction may be permanent and unable to be lifted. In those cases, only certain information is able to be shared, and it's normally in the email you receive regarding the placement of the restriction. 


If that information isn't clear, or you still have questions regarding the placement, you're welcome to reach out to our Customer Support teams so they can clarify as much possible. However, please keep in mind the decision to permanently limit an account is not normally one that can be overturned. 


My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, 


 - Jon K

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