Buyer Protection Why Do I use PP?


I made a purchase 2/23/23 which was to be a 5-7 day delivery. I am disappointed in what I thought PP was in protection.

Turns out it's coming from China which 7-12 day delivery obviously is a lie.

I made contact 1x as my invoice sent ahead didn't match order and they said they would update. It showed 1 item not 4.

Email inquiries made to seller, tracking company provided in emails multiple times and once was returned then no response.

Send screenshots LOTS of tracking not working, no replies etc.

Opened a complaint with P[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]escalated, 4/27/23 seller gives tracking to PP which still does not work.

PP tells me wait until 5/1/23 then later update will resolve by 5/11/23.

Items arrive 5/1/23 and I update complaint right away.

5/5/23 PP closes case in favor of seller as they provided proof of tracking delivery! I WAS THE ONE PROVIDED ALL OF IT! 

66 days to receive, from China which I would not have purchased, closed on sellers favor as they provided? 

My BIG issue here is PP is not helping these scam companies overseas from doing this to people. 

This is not protection and is deceiving. These companies lie, ignore requests and seems it's ok to take 66 days to arrive.

I'm angry they say "The case was closed in the seller’s favor as the seller provided a valid proof of delivery" when I am the one provided all this information taking a lot of my time. I'm offended! It's not so much the money, I FINALLY got it but why does PP allow this crap?

I will re think using PP my credit card has better protection than that.  These companies have no disclosure and can do what they want including lie.

VENT OVER offended.

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Yes, there are sellers out there that pull these stunts because they know it takes a long time for an item from China to arrive so they got to hide their country of origin to sell to buyers like you.

Contact customer service to report the behavior, maybe this seller has prior history of this with other buyers and they’ll investigate.      

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