This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's account is not able to process transactions.

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We integrated paypal and set up an account in our application Sandbox API Signature, API Username & API password but when I try to submit the payment with the test credit cards, getting this error.
Invalid Configuration: This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's account is not able to process transactions., Please try again.
Please help!
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It sounds like you're attempting to process a direct card payment with sandbox account which is either not enabled for payments pro or is located within a country where payments pro is not available.

Check the sandbox account is enabled for payments pro, by looking up the sandbox account within your developer account and it should show the account type as "business-pro" if it's been enabled for payments pro.

If it has not been enabled for payments pro and is located in a country where payments pro is available, view/edit the account and you should see an option "upgrade to pro". Click on that and you should see a success message, then submit a new "dodirectpayment" API request and it should be successful.

Thanks !

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We are located in the US and getting same message. How to enable "business pro". Not seeing that option. Also, can you please confirm what should be the URL. We are pointing to ""

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