The box provided by PayPal for my SSN or TIN is 9 while my SSN is 10 digits. How can I resolve that

New Community Member
Here's my SSN/ TIN 1081203380 from IRS , 10 Digits while PayPal provide space is 9 digits and as such I am unable to verify my SSN/TIN
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Esteemed Advisor



Looks as if you have opened a U.S paypal account instead of one for your own country?
Go to the settings or profile options and check what NATIONALITY is showing on the left side of that page, is it for your country or not?

When you click to register a paypal account there is a drop down list of countries with U.S being the default top option as Paypal is a U.S company.
You then have to scroll down and click on your own country to open the correct Paypal account for that country.

You can't use another countries Paypal account as it would never work properly and may be limited.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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