Invoice from PayPal for tax purpose


Hello PP community!

I would like to ask you about help, to find an invoice with all past month fees charged by PayPal for it's service.

Standard statement does not have my PIT number, so I cannot report it to local (Polish) tax office and include it into my costs.

If you know any type of report that could have PIT number as well as fees charged on one document, please share with me this insight.

Thanks in advance!

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Hello @alyonapsy,


Welcome to our community help forum and thanks for posting!


I see you're looking for your tax statements. All of the tax documents that apply to you are located in PayPal Statements & Tax Center. To view or download the Form 1099-K or tax statements from a web browser:

Click Settings next to Sign out.
Click Statements & Taxes at the top of the page. 
In the Tax documents section, select the appropriate year from the drop-down list.
Click Download All to download and view the Form 1099-K and your Goods and service statement statement. 


More details about downloading the Tax statements can be found here


I hope this information helps,


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Hello Bindu!

In Poland, I am supposed to pay taxes quarterly and need to provide some kind of proof (invoice) that actually this commission was consumed by PayPal, therefore yearly statement is not sufficient, since I am representing business. Is there any kind of transaction statement (invoice) where it contain my tax id? And I want to highlight it needs to be monthly/quarterly

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Hello @alyonapsy

Thanks for responding with more details! 

I understand you're looking for a statement with your tax ID that's generated more frequently. After some investigation, I was able to confirm that we do not have the option to generate a monthly or quarterly statement that includes your tax ID. I believe the Financial Summary may be the best one to show what you're describing, though. You can find details on how to download one on our Help Center here: How do I view and download statements and reports? I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. 

I hope you have a beautiful weekend. 

- Meghan

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