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tax documents
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tax documents
Guys please help me Can you tell me why I have to pay US taxes and become a taxpayer if I don’t live in US and I am not a citizen of US? How can I resolve this? I don’t want to pay such high taxes
Hello, in 4th July my money on PayPal became tax id hold . I bring documents that I am not a USA citizen , and PayPal replied that they accept my documents and no more actions required . When I log in the money was still on hold . I contacted again t...
I enter my payments to PP into an Australian myob accounting system which is set to include GST. But the main services are from an overseas supplier? Am I paying GST to PAYPAL?
So a friend of mine made an attempt to help me get a little extra folding green on the side by helping me to download and figure out how to cash out on the many phone games that let you cash out prizes in the form of either a direct transaction or gi...
I previously requested FIRC Certificates from fircissuance for my PayPal accounts on 23 May 2023. However, when I inquired about the progress, I received responses from fircissuance stating: 'Request you to kindly share the correct 16-digit UTR deta...
Hello everyone!I'm filling out my taxes and I received every payment in 2022 in USD. For my taxes, however, I need EUR. Is there a way to show the money that I received in EUR? Or can I use Paypal's converter and set it back to a specific date in the...
Were I can find VAT number?
Why My FIRC does not generate monthly? It was generated for Nov, Jan, and March month only. Why does not for Dec, Feb, and April months?
I received a 2020 1099-K in the mail today from PayPal. It's not marked as corrected. There's no note or additional information, just a tax document sent two years late. I think this was before the reporting requirement was reduced from $20,000 so I'...