I am the seller, refund agreed to buyer, awaiting return of the item sold

New Community Member

Please can sumone advise me on this matter.....

I sold a Rolex Empty box, i put it on at a low starting price sumone then messaged me the same day and asked for buy it now we agreed the price so i set it up as buy now, he paid straight away but i discovered he messaged me through a different account name from the one he paid with (2 ebay accounts) anyway i did my bit sent item off recorded signed for free postage paid by me, then the buyer put a case straight up against me without messaging me first for a refund saying it was fake, i messaged him and said it was not fake as i have the original Rolex certificate and i could email it to him as proof but he insisted he wants to return the box back so i gave him my address to return it as i can not be bothered to argue, i expect he will damage my 100% positive feedback now, anyway i want to know how long it should be before a acceptable time limit for the box to be returned? i dont want him getting a refund through paypal until i have received the box

it just seems so unfair on the genuine seller, i wish i hadnt given him my address now for the return and stood my ground as it is Not a fake Rolex box and i can prove it. any advise please????

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

Firstly i would wait until paypal find in his favour as they may find in your favour.


Secondly IF they do find in his favour then paypal will tell him to send the item back to you trackable at his own expense before you have to refund....that puts off some buyers if they have made an unfair dispute.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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I am a seller

The buyer, who bought through Ebay International Shipping Centre, wants a full refund, including return international P&P,  BEFORE returning an item that he is (unjustly) not happy with. 

I fear a scam. The funds have been frozen and I'm concerned that he will be refunded by Paypal and also keep the item. I keep asking him to return the item for a full refund but he's insisting on refund first. How do I deal with this?

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Do NOT refund this buyer until the item has been safely returned to you.


I am guessing that he/she has simply contacted you and has not actually opened a proper dispute via eBay? In which case you do not have to act on anything.


If this person has a legitimate reason for wanting to return the item, then it's up to THEM to open a dispute through eBay, and then you'll have YOUR chance to put your case.


If they don't have a legitimate reason, then you are fine.


I'd suggest you tell the buyer that they should go through the correct procedure if they wish to retunr it, otherwise ignore them.  If they post negative feedback as a result, then contact eBay and explain the whole situation - they can look at your email correspondence if needed.


So, be polite and fair at all times - say things like "I'm sorry you are not happy with the item, if you feel you have a genuine reason to return it, then please do so via the correct process through eBay..."



This is worth reading too: http://sellercentre.ebay.co.uk/private/global-shipping-programme#anchor21613

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