Refund is not recieved


I received an email message from the seller that my refund has cleared after being in pending status for a week. I have been checking my Paypal account since then to see if the money has been added or not. Unfortunately, it's been added yet. What's going on? I know that refund may take long but more than a week is a lot. Though, it's said in the message it would take 3-5 days to receive. We depend on Paypal in making our transactions but when it comes to refund, it becomes sick. Why such process takes that long?


After all, I will wait for another week but then I think Paypal people should try to solve this urgently.


I hope I can receive a response from a Paypal representative if they care about their customers' satisfaction.




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This is happening to way too many people, including myself, without no responses from PayPal. Everybody affected needs to contact the Consumer Watchdog groups to file complaints. This no doubt is coming extremely close to fraud.

Flood PayPals phones, e mails and send snail mail as well. Your States Attorney Generals as well.

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Made a purchase on eBay and funded (via PayPal) through my checking account. Subsequently, the whole transaction was cancelled by the seller (posted same item twice) My refund shows it was on hold then it was released. Twenty days later, it still isn't back in my checking account.


I can't keep up with the way PayPay does the buyer credit balance - so buyer credit thing is getting closed.


Something ain't right somewhere.

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I agree!  It does no good to contact Pay Pal; you are likely to get Sarah the Moron.  Pay Pal must be down sizing on employees because their response is pathetic.  I do believe that any money that is "wired" is a major felony.  With internet wire banking, no doubt the laws apply.  Some Law college 3rd year students need to take on a class project and attack this issue and take down a few internet frauds.  Also, there needs to be a web site dedicated to exposing frauds and fraudulent web sites.

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Thanks PayPal.....


Problem Solved. Smiley Happy


My Money has been credited to my Credit Card.





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New Community Member

Simply put, where's my money? Why is Paypal responsible? The person who got the money should return it. So it was an $80 transaction of which I've received $36. Based on the thread it seems you don't get your money back or it takes a long time?

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I admit it that I have waited long till I got my refund. almost 2 weeks. After checking with the seller who has notified me that the money has been already refunded. I made sure that my money had passed first channel (seller) and what's being waited for was to get the money processed to my credit card which a little bit took a long time.


I urge you all to check your credit card balance from your bank (which I did) to see if the money has really been credited to the account.


Good luck all.... 

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i have been checking my bank and the idiot i bought something from is in hong kong and he wont email emails say i have been refunded but i have no money in my bank account.this system is completely jacked i mean its happening to everyone for crying out loud i bought something and the next day i got a refund email for no reason!

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