Unable to pay a PayPal invoice with credit (UK)

Morning all. First post! So basically I wanted to buy an item from eBay, it offered me the option to utilise my available PayPal credit (£3000+ available and approved). When I was looking into the merchants external website, I saw that he was listing the same guitar for £70 less on his own shop. Assuming the increase on eBay listing was to pay the eBay fees. He agreed to send me an invoice externally to eBay, when I received this however the option to utilise PayPal credit had gone. He has had many customers who have used PayPal credit to pay for an invoice... Any ideas on what's happened? Is there a way to fix this so I can make the payment using credit?
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Hello @Mush182


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some using PayPal Credit on an invoice. There may be a few different reasons as to why PayPal Credit may be unavailable for that invoice. Are they sending you an invoice to your email address you use with PayPal? Also, are they sending an invoice from their PayPal account? If not, PayPal Credit may potentially not be available. If they are sending the invoice from their PayPal account to the email address registered with your PayPal account, please reach out to our Customer Support teams to see if there's anything else that may be effecting this purchase. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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