PayPal Deals Missing A Lot of Stores


There used to be a lot of stores, I'm saying around 100+ on the PayPal Deals page that you can add without searching for them. There also used to be banners on top that show the trending stores, stores you may like, etc. But that's now all gone. Now there's maybe at most 50. Is anyone else noticing this too?

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Yes, I see this as well.

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I too noticed that when using the app. However, when I log in thru a web browser (PC or mobile) I tend to see many more options. Do you have a Honey account? And have you linked Honey account to PayPal? That seemed to improve deal offers for me. I also have the Honey chrome browser extension and that allows me to 'Activate Rewards' if there are any for that site/store (and there usually is) thru PC, in my experience.
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