How to re-add my billpay utility company?

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Last month (January) I entered my water bill company and paid my water bill using Paypal billpay. I am now trying to enter my February amount due to send the payment but I see no way to enter the amount or the date.  My billpay for this vendor is acting like it is set to make automatic payments although I don't recall setting it up like this. I want to manually enter the amount each month and indicate when to send the payment.


I am trying to re-add this company and set it up again to make sure it is configured NOT as automatic payment but I can't find the company name again. What is going on? The company name is 'Aqua Virginia, Inc.'


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Same issue happened to NYC Water Board as a bill payment utilities company. PayPal said they need an email address to send the payment; however, Water company said absolutely not. They don't accept payment via email. Any resolution?????
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paypal been removing many billers. it must have caught on with too many people getting to pay with credit cards for free, so paypal probably decided no more eating credit card fees and cut em.

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