Has anyone else used the "new version" of invoicing that prefers it to the old version?


I have tried the new version of invoicing and realized it is going to add a substantial amount of time to my invoicing process. Mainly because it brings up so many new tabs for information entry instead of just letting me enter it without pop ups. Has anyone got any helpful tips to cut time a bit? 

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OMG! THANK YOU Zipper for bringing this issue to light! This new system absolutely SUCKS! I second all the other claims that have been made as well. The old system was way better and worlds apart from this one. PLEASE PayPal, if you are monitoring this feed, TAKE HEED! Completely ridiculous, I'm considering leaving PayPal as other users have stated. 

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Horrendous. I've been using the new invoices since they were launched so I get used to them by the time I have no choice. They are pure hell. They've gotten worse somehow...now it deletes line items when I add new ones, but only if they were saved items. If I add new items, they stay there when I add more. Doesn't matter which browser I use. I have no idea what they were thinking. They obviously didn't test anything.

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Adding to the pile:
If you copy an existing invoice to make a new one the whole thing **bleep** the proverbial bed.  Any attempt to edit line items results in some other line item being changed. Or deleted.  Or randomly merged with another line item. Literally *impossible* to use.

Seems like the new system has been out for weeks with all sorts of bugs/regressions so I have to assume PP is not going to fix this, i.e. put back the old working system.

I've got Quickbooks, will try that out for invoicing.

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It's awful.
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