Unable to make purchase in playstation website

New Community Member

Hi guys, i couldn't make purchase in playstation website, whenever i click confirm purcahse it will show this problem stating . "We've encountered an error while processing your order. Please try again later." My paypal have a balance of more than the game cost but i couldn't make the purchase.. and also my friend send me 20GBP and i received it but it is not in MYR it is in GBP, i couldn't find the currency conversion from GBP to MYR but only GBP to USD or others therefore, i tried to chg to USD and try to make purchase agian but im still receiving this problem. Can anyone help me? Isit because of the balance in my account isnt in MYR but is in GBP. My primary currency is in MYR tho.

Also, i do receive email and they send me this from paypal

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