Received Payment, but Not Showing in Balance


I had someone send me a payment earlier as F/F and it says that it is completed on both of our ends, but the funds aren't showing up in my balance. I tried reaching out to PP, but they are swamped. Is this normal? Help?!

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438 REPLIES 438

Same thing happened to me £260 showing in activity yet saying zero balance Not even had response despite raising issue 6 hours ago - poor customer service
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Hallo, My father sent me a money today and they appear in my PayPal transactions and I receive confirmation email too but the money done appear in my PayPal balance. Pls help
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Same here! And customer service is atrocious!
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I received a payment, it show in activity, it’s not in my wallet so I can transfer to my bank, where are the funds?
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New Community Member
Someone paid me $20 for an art commission about two hours ago, but it hasn't shown up in my balance until now. My email is verified and this isn't the first time I've received payment via PayPal (Usually through a link) and I've never had a problem with it. My balance before the payment is $0,95 and it stays on that amount. My account isn't connected to a credit card either, so I couldn't issue a refund. Please help, I'm really short on money and desperately need this to be solved.
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New Community Member

I have this exact issue too! I received a 33 dollar payment for an art commission, and it says it's completed and transferred to my paypal balance, but nothing is showing up. I still only have 4 dollars there from an earlier payment a few days ago. Glad to see other people have the same issue as I do, so it's probably a glitch or a problem which will hopefully soon be resolved

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I have the same issue exactly. Did you manage to resolve it? If you do, please reply to let us know how it was fixed! I'm missing almost £100 😞

thank you

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I had 2 payments today from a company, both for £30, both transactions show on my activity however my balance should show £60 and only shows £30, where is the other £30? My balance was £0 before the payments, I have no credit so it's not like I owe anything, how can the transaction show on my account but not reflect in my balance, seems a bit odd.

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I'm having the same problem right now. I've received two payments today (one this morning and one this afternoon), and although the funds for the first payment went through into my balance okay this morning, I haven't had the funds in my balance for the afternoon payment yet, so it must be a glitch in the system that's occurred in the past few hours.

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Well it's comforting to know I'm not the only one having issues! Hopefully they will sort it, but I have a conversation open with a support agent, they'll probably take forever replying to me but I'll keep you updated. All the details are correct, it's obviously an issue on paypals end, but I would like my money sooner rather than later.

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