Question - combine payments into one transaction?

New Community Member
I've noticed a big payment come out of my bank out with the reference "Etsy". I do shop on Etsy & there are the relevant amounts coming out of my bank accounts. However, I can't see the relevant number in my purchase history. Does PayPal combine single indervidual transactions into one payment? Ie if I did 5 single transactions of £20 from different shops would it come up as £100 on my bank account? Also, I have the transaction reference number on my bank statement - is there anyway to double check it with PayPal / Etsy?
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Hi @StoneColoured,


I'm sorry to hear there's some confusion with a payment.  It is possible that if you purchased from individual seller's on Etsy that the payment was combined.  It is always a good idea to check if you're not sure.  You can reach customer support by Facebook or Twitter


I hope this helps!


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