I need help about Invoice.


Yesterday I Received $1000 in Invoice.

But this $1000 isn't added to my Main Balance.

Please Kindly Help me.

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As this is a public community, unfortunately no one here can look at user transactions - only customer service can do that.   You may want to look at your transactions to see what the status says - it's possible they are under review.   If you don't see any details as to what is going on, then you may want to contact customer service for assistance.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



If it was marked as an invoice then its probably a scam doing the rounds as its been sent by a buyer and altered to look as though he has paid you.

Signs its a scam are >>>
its an invoice BUT sellers send invoices not buyers
marked as paid
marked as gift
says payment won't show in your balance for eg 24 hours
can't be chargedback.

Paypal NEVER tell you to send anything until the funds are showing in your paypal account balance.
Paypal payments are more or less instant.
Paypal will never tell you that a payment can't be subject to a chargeback if thats what scammers are still putting on invoices.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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If you are suspicious about an email - here's what you can do:

Look at the email address domain and wording in the email, grammar, salutation, spelling, etc.  If any of these are questionable, it's most likely a spoof.

* Forward the entire email to:    spoof@paypal.com.
* Do not alter the subject line or forward the message as an attachment.
* Delete the suspicious email from your inbox.
* Never click on any links within the email or open any attachments.



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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



It wasn't an email it was an invoice sent to him to LOOK as if the buyer had paid but he hadn't as per my above post.

You can't report the invoice SCAM as a spoof if that is what it was, awaiting OP confirmation. !!!

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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