running balance


I want to be able to see my balance after each transaction. Not on any of the reports that I have downloaded will show a running balance after each transaction. not under transaction history, custom or any of them. Anyone have any suggestions?


My reg bank shows a running balance PayPal used to.

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee
Welcome to the community and thanks for posting. Re: To see your running balance, please follow the below steps: Go to Activity. Click Statements on the right of the page, then click Custom. Click the dropdown menu on the transaction type, then choose 'balance affecting' (you can also set up the date range and file format). Click Create Report. ***If you see a post that is helpful, kindly give the author Kudos or accept it as a solution. Thanks and have a great day! ☺
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New Community Member
Hi, after I click on Activity I do not see Statements anywhere on the page. I used PayPal app on android and Firefox and Samsung internet and still don't see Statements. Does this have to be done on a computer?
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This does not work

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I did this today and I still don't get a running balance. Did they change this recently and forgot to update the instructions?


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Doesn't work!!!!


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I find it very concerning that Paypay goes to so much trouble to hide the running balance.  They are probably the only financial company I've seen do this.   It's not standard practice for any banks.  Over the years there have been ways to get to this information but they keep removing the options.  They've always hidden the fees you pay, no reason you need to see that. 

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We should see the changing balance without need to creat statement just in the Activity area itself. I feel always that My money is not safe if balance is not shown next to each transaction just like any bank application. WHY YOU DON’T SHOW IT DEAR PAYPAL!!!!!!!!!!!
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If you still don't see a running balance be sure to choose CVS as the format to create and print...

This worked for me...a MAC/CHROME person...


1. Log in

2. Go to Activities

3. Go to statement (upper right)

4. Choose "Custom"

5. Choose "Balance Affecting" for transaction

6. Choose your date range

7. Then choose CVS (the other methods did not show a running balance)

8. Hit "CREATE" and wait for your report to be generated. 


I hope this helps, as Paypal could not answer this simple question. Their steps don't work for me. They kept referring me back to a page with inaccurate/incomplete instructions. 

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New Community Member

Thank you for a solution that works.  CSV is better than nothing.  The PDF report is lacking the balance.

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