Feedback about PayPal's Decision in NC

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Glad to see your company is taking a stand on the discriminatory practices in NC. Congratulations.

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I will be joining you on Not using Pay Pal services any longer . They think they can use thier money for leverage to promote thier warped agenda . I no longer wish to contribute to the downfall of this country . The closet door has a knob to open it with on the outside too! More people should use it for re-entry .

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Dear Pay Pal . I ignored your anti gun views and respected them as I stuck with you . Now that you have decided to pull out of my state because of your Views of the gay community I will have to part ways with your services . It seems that you claim to promote fairness to all but your action are not as stated . What about the majority of the people in this state that see different from your views ? Everyone acts as if the governor did this  , Fact is the elected people of this state spoke for the majority of what its people asked for . They did there job as they were asked to do by the ones paying their salary . Im sorry that you feel as if you can buy our morals with your money . It is a two way street  .

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I do not live in SC but believe they have the right to vote in their laws.  I thought Pay Pal was a business.  I don't use any business that thinks it's their duty to decide what is morally or politically correct.  I will close my long standing account.

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I want my paypal account terminated. I do not support  paypals views on lgbt. How can I delete my account if paypal won't?

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Im deleting my account too. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. It will limit me in a big way, as to who I do business with, and I can finally know how businesses feel about certain subjects. Ive already canceled my Disney and have cut ties with many businesses and won't support certain actors and actresses, directors etc in Hollywood now that I know they'd rather support LGBT than freedom of religion. 

Bring it on. Im ready for it!

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Also joining the ranks of those who are deleting the use of PayPal.  In their attempt to be politically correct, PayPal has shown itself to be spineless and completely out of touch with the vast majority of this country.  LGBT is merely an acronym for a SMALL population in this country that is perverted, immoral, sick, and demented.  Thoe of us who hold out hope for this country, i.e., don't believe that "confused" men should be using women's restrooms, can use their wallets to make a statement.  Goodbye PayPal, Disney, and any other corporation who feels tht they can impose their morals on us!!

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@Dtho wrote:

Also joining the ranks of those who are deleting the use of PayPal.  In their attempt to be politically correct, PayPal has shown itself to be spineless and completely out of touch with the vast majority of this country.  LGBT is merely an acronym for a SMALL population in this country that is perverted, immoral, sick, and demented.  Thoe of us who hold out hope for this country, i.e., don't believe that "confused" men should be using women's restrooms, can use their wallets to make a statement.  Goodbye PayPal, Disney, and any other corporation who feels tht they can impose their morals on us!!

Ditto! LGBT community is comprised of just 2% of all North Americans. They embrace the motto of the "squeaky wheel gets the grease". Christians need to wake up and get involved in their local politics. It starts with your local schools, local governemt. This is how we keep the degenerates out of our politics and out of our personal and professional lives. The media is in cohorts with these out-of-mind (crazy), I think I am a man today because I feel like I am and so I will visit the little boys room and I'll figure out how I can stand up to pee, because there aren't any toilets to sit and do my business. Or, I feel more emotional today and so I must be a woman today.. hehehe... Keeping males out of females bathrooms - women like privacy. Our girls need protection from pedophiles who'll use an unjust law to justify their actions. Hollywood is where this angle is coming from - your 2% - and the media is blasting the airwaves in an attempt to desensitize North Americans. 


As for PayPal, I opened an account in 2015 because I had to purchase something and I could only get by having a PayPal account. I couldn't remember the email address I set the account up with and I never had time to sit down and figure it all out. Well, today I had some free time and I got my account set back up. But, not because I want to use PayPal. This is to state I will never use PayPal services again due to their nosing in on the rights of the citizens of North Carolina or any other state where they think they can bully a state to protect LGBT community. North Carolina will survive this misguided onslaught where big business believes they can bully in order to get their way. The North Carolinians have spoken and they are having none of your liberalism in their state. This state will endure, but what about PayPal and its misguided alliance with the LGBT 2% community?


I, for one, will drop you like a ROCK! This is an incentive to create another business similar to PayPal with Christian values.


You know, Christians are being persecuted in Syria, Iraq, Egypt and anywhere there are Islamic terrorists. Christians are being persecuted in the United States of America (thanks to Obama (Muslim)). The more you persecute Christians, the more folks want to come to the rescue of Christians and become a Christian. Our children and young adults are rushing to join the ranks of the persecuted majority. What better way to get to Heaven. Most folks strive to get titles behind their name. You can't take your title with you to Heaven, but you can acquire one when you reach Heaven, as in Saint Mary, Saint Faustina, Saint Therese of  Liseaux, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Thomas More (Henry VIII), Saint John Paul II, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Saint Padre Pio, etc. Saint means "holy" - to do the will of "God" and not become your own "god". Notice the little "g" - represents your inordinate wants and desires - "devil" driven. The little "g" folks won't reach Heaven.

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I am incredibly disappointed in PayPal's decision to bully NC and their desire to give the middle finger to anyone w/values that say just because someone "feels" they are of the opposire **bleep** when they get ready to go to the bathroom defies common sense! For shame! Even if Christian values are ignored, there is still a majority of people who see this as incredibly insidious - and recruiting the corporate world to side with them against the will of the majority is cowardly and in the long run, harmful to the morality of this country. I will minimize my use of PayPal from here on to "have to" situations and be on the lookout for an alternative to PayPal.  

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The only people PayPal is discriminating against is women and little girls.  I guess you don't care about your daughter, niece, sister or mother sad.

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PayPal apparently thinks it's safe for children to enter restrooms where adults of any age, **bleep** or sexual preference will be located. This the best news pedophiles and child molesters have received in years.  Apparently you have no children, and think your wife, mother or someone else you care about will be safe in a restroom where adults of unknown purpose are located. 


Another stupid liberal action as with most ridiculous politically correct actions breeding in California. PayPal must not have employees with children or other loved ones they care about.     


I will no longer do business with a company that EMPOWERS child predators in the name of "Equal Rights".  

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