i don't live in America I need my account deleting, I can't get hold of a chat advisor

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I thought I was setting up a PayPal account in the UK, that is the link I clicked anyway. However it has appeared now I am logged in, it is a USA account. I am unable to verify the account as obviously living in the UK I don't have an American address. I want to close my account and have tried to contact a customer service advisor, but I keep either going round in circles with a chat bot or I leave messages that go unanswered. I have even tried asking PayPal on social media platforms and just keep getting directed to the PayPal website help centre, which is back where I started looking for and getting no help. Any ideas please? need to close the account to free up my email address to create a UK account.  

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Unlikely you can do anything with another countries account including close it.

You can try and click on the settings icon and use the close account option on the left but doubt it will work if you are not in the U.S as paypal is country specific.


You can try UK customer services but don't think they can close a U.S account and U.S customer services won't help if you are not in the U.S, welcome to try though. 


You may have to start over with another email address and this time when you click to register (U.S is the default option at the top) so you scroll down nearly to the bottom to find the U.K. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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