Trying to figure out how to change my PayPal Handle, the text after @.. Can't find it anywhere..

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I haven't touched PayPal account settings in probably 2 years, just kinda set it up and let it be. I just want to change the handle on the account, the text after the @.. I changed that text to reflect the second business, but I want it back to the first which is what the account name actually reflects. Don't ask, it's complicated. I just can't find any information about changing the handle, Google wasn't any help it's all old articles from 2 years ago.. Search on here has been less than helpful..

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Do you mean your link?

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No.. The @handle 

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Hi @Jarminx


Thank you for joining the PayPal Community, and making your first post! I'm sorry to hear that there's confusion regarding your handle/username. 


The handle to which you are referring is also the username that would be part of a link, as @kernowlass was saying. In order to request that be changed, please reach out to Customer Service for assistance. It can only be changed manually by a representative after a review of the available options.


I hope this helps!




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