I dont live in Cyprus country but i made an account with that country back in 2013 or 2012

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Okay so i dont live in Cyprus country but i made an account with that country back in 2013 or 2012 so now paypal is not making me login to the account saying call paypal helpline and they're showing some Cyprus country number.
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Paypal is country specific so you are only allowed to open a paypal account in the country where you are living.

If you open another countries account to get around a ban if your country is not Paypal supported then it won't work for you and would soon be limited. 

Advice is voluntary.
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I appreciate your comment, all I'm asking is solution
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There isn't one, you can't use another countries paypal account.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Hello @Danishjhatial and @kernowlass

Welcome to the Community, @Danishjhatial. We're glad to have you join us! Thanks for starting this one off, @kernowlass

It sounds like you're having difficulty logging into an older PayPal account, @Danishjhatial, and I'm sorry to hear that. As @kernowlass mentioned, you should only open a PayPal account in the country where you live. If you have moved or accidentally created it under the wrong country, you can close it and create a new one as long as it hasn't been limited. Please reach out to our Customer Support teams for more help by selecting 'Contact' at the bottom of our website. If you only see the Cyprus contact options, you can change the country on our website here: PayPal Global Country List

I hope this helps and that you both have a great rest of your weekend! 

- Meghan

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