How to delete Primary HOME phone and keep only primary mobile?


I like to delete my non existant primary HOME phone contact. I have no home conact. But Paypal requis it. I have a mobile and my primary Mobile Phone Contact is correct.  Currently I´m not able to delete the primary Home Phone contact.
Why do i need this? Paypal shares this non existant home contact to vendors.

Hopefully my primary home contact can be deleted and emptied. Hopefully my primary mobile contact is enough in the future.

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PayPal has simply swung and missed. I do have a backup number that is VOIP. Will PayPal accept and store that? No they will not. The number I cannot remove remains listed as my home number even though I deleted the service 4 years ago.

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Hello @Martege @S_B_H
Welcome to the PayPal Help Community and thanks for posting here!
I do understand your concern regarding updating of contact details into your PayPal account. Request you to kindly refer to this article to understand the process on how to update your phone number into your PayPal account . Once you have updated your phone number, you will be able to make it as primary contact number while you confirm the number on your account. You can reach out to our customer support team to know what can be done next or to get an understanding of the possible solution to the issue raised. Please reach out to the Support Team by clicking the contact us option at the bottom of PayPal page. If your unable to login into your PayPal account do reach us via phone and kindly select "Call us as Guest"
Hope this information helps,
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I like to update by removing the number but that is not accepted. I need a empty field because i have no number! Please give a real solution!
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I have found that PayPal requires minimum two numbers in your profile. You can't delete a non existing number even if you have only one number. You can't even put two times the same number and delete the non existing number. You have to enter two different numbers. All people in my environment have only one number. My problem is that PayPal is sharing the non existing number to the vendors. I do not understand why there is a minimum of two different phone numbers.
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