I am not receiving SMS 2FA from PayPal


I've been trying to login to my PayPal for the last week, but I am unable to do so because I am not receiving SMS. I tried reinstalling the app, and trying to login on my PC (from different browser), but still I had no luck. I no longer have access to my PayPal authenticator because I did factory reset on my phone.

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Hello @Nem1xDev 


Thank you for joining the PayPal Community!


I am sorry to learn that you've run into issues while accessing your PayPal account. As you don't have access to your PayPal authenticator due to a factory reset on your phone, please contact the team via call to reset your PayPal authenticator in order to access your account. You can find the number by clicking the 'Contact us' option at the bottom of PayPal page. From there, click the 'Password and account access ' and then 'Login issues', you will be able to see the call us option at the bottom of the page during business hours. 


Good luck,


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New Community Member

I have been receiving SMS texts from Paypal to my phone right up until two days ago and now I'm not receiving them so I can't even log into my paypal account. I haven't reset my phone and I've checked my spam etc. Nothing! 

Quite scary how this can suddenly happen for no reason. I lose confidence in the systems.

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Hello @tracki1


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into issues receiving the 2FA SMS from PayPal. Thank you for letting us know what you've already tried so far. Have you tried reaching out to your mobile provider to see if they are blocking any kind of SMS? You'll want to ask them specifically about SMS coming from 5 and 6-digit phone numbers. 


Otherwise, please try to reach out to our Customer Support teams through the detailed instructions Bindu provided above. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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