How can I permanently turn off the Stay logged in on this trusted device option?

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How can I permanently opt out of the  Stay logged in on this trusted device option? 

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi @scunion66 


Thank you for contacting community.


I see you would like to permanently turn off the stay logged in option on your device. If you would not want your device to keep you logged in and wish to login every time you use the account, you can simply logout of the account on the app and clear cache, cookies and clear data on the phone. Once this information is deleted your password will be forgotten by your device. Next time when the device asks if it wants to keep you logged in, select the option no. I hope this helps. 




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I would also like to turn this feature off.


Thanks for answering @pkkh but your strategy is not a convenient way to solve the problem.


There should be a checkbox in user settings for 'Never Stay Logged In'

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this is an ongoing and terrible security breach and no one at paypal seems to understand this.  i have written to them, i have chatted and i have emailed.  it should NEVER turn off security unless requested by the customer.  clear cookies after each purchase?  really??  2-factor authorization?  really??  just fix the code.  i realize it's a feature and not a bug but it IS A BUG for all of us who don't want someone to be able to buy stuff using our account.  just make it so the customer has to turn it off if they want to.... why is that so difficult for paypal to understand?

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I'm strongly considering closing my PP account because of this issue.  I do not want to stay logged in.  Are they still unaware that criminals sometimes get on people's computers remotely at night to commit crimes??  Seems that documentary was at least ten years ago.  They are exposing my account to crooks, my bank account and my credit cards.  I don't have time nor do I wish to go turn it off every time I log out.  In essence, it is logging me back in to leave my account open to hacking.  Without a button to turn off this option, I see no way to turn it off permanently.  I'm pretty much decided to stop having an account at Paypal.  It's like a bank leaving my account logged in continually, a SUPER bad idea.   I'm closing my account within the week unless they change this.  We keep complaining but no one is listening.  Paypal, do you have any intention to fix this grave issue?

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