About 10 days ago, I emailed a question which has not yet been answered


I currently have an administrative email address  and a primary address. About 10 days ago, I sent PayPal an email requesting that the two addesses be reversed. In other words, revise my primary address to be my administrative one  and revise my administrative address to be my  ptrimary one.


I received a reply saying that my email would be answered within 72 hours (3 days) ... that was 10 days ago, and I have never received an answer to my request. What can I do to get my email adresses changed as I requested??



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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi MiltBeychok-


I apologize for the lack of response.  Just to be on the safe side, you may want to check and see if a spam filter sent a message from PayPal to a junk mailbox.  We do sometimes encounter this with strong security systems that see a "company" email as spam.


The situation you describe is something you should be able to initiate from your account's Profile link, which is on the Account Overview screen immediately after logging in.  Mouse over the word to link directly to "Add or Edit Email Address" or click into the Profile link and select Email.


Click the Radio Button in front of the appropriate email address and then click the "Make Primary" button below the list of addresses.




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Jason, your suggestion does not work. When I try to make my admin address into my primary address, I get a message saying that I cannot do that.


When I try to make my primary address into my admin address, I get a message saying that I cannot do that.


When I try to remove either of them first, I get a message saying that cannot do that.


It is as if, once they are listed as my admin and primary addresses, then they are cast in stone and can never be changed by me.


SURELY, this is something that you can do!! All I want is to switch my admin address to my primary one ... and switch my primary address to my admin one. Would you PLEASE get that done for me??




Milt Beychok

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I would also like to know how to remove or change my administrative email. The email address I have listed is an old address that is no longer valid.  Appreciate any help on this.

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I had the same problem but with a call to Paypal and some research I did on my own here is the page you need to go to:




(You may need to log into your PP account).


Click on the drop down list of email address (or add a new one) and then click onto continue.


Note: if you are trying to change your administrative address to an address that is currently your primary address, you will have to change your primary email address first.



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