Money Pending.


Just sold a few things recently on my Car Club Forum. Now everything has gone perfectly with what ive sold and money ive received until my last parcel.


Guy paid for the parcel and arranged his own courier to collect the item which was fine by me.

However my money is still sitting in the pending account and has been since April 21st the parcel was collected on the 25th.


Just wondering how long its still going to be sitting in the pending account?

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"But if you don't want to go through the new seller hold like EVERY OTHER seller on ebay including myself has done then you don't have to use ebay or paypal do you, just close your accounts?"


Oh really? i've been a member since 2012, and still this is happening, even after a representative PROMISED me that that this would stop, and its completely arbitrary, apparently out of 4 identical iphones that were parts not working, 2 of them were marked as being higher risk.


Well apparently, the buyers are the problem, due to an abnormally high number of disputes filed by these buyers the payments were held as pending "to protect me" of course.

What paypal were essentially saying was "these buyers cause a lot of problems, so instead of penalising them, we are instead going to hold the funds just in case, that way we can satisfy their demands, protect ourselves and **bleep** the seller"

Rather than protect the seller from a bad buyer, we are hung out to dry so that paypal can please any buyer at any cost. its a very handy way of acruing interest, not that they don't make enough money on fees anyway.

kernowlass, you volunteer around here? you seem to be so far up paypals **bleep** that your no help at all, you do a lot of posting here, but its all just regurgiutating the same rubbish that the customer service reps spout off. dont you think that the people here have heard all that garbage from the customer service reps already, without also hearing it from you?

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i dont know why the word r e c t u m was bleeped there, i made an effort not to swear

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Hello I too am hang an awful time with PayPal.  Like yourself and many others, I am selling things in eBay through PayPal to keep myself and my husband alive.  We are going through an awful time at the moment.  I fell ill after an operation four years ago and I am suffering from malnutrition due to protein deficiency, results in me developing liver problems.  


Due to to me being ill, I haven't been able to return to work and so, we have fallen behind with our mortgage payments.  Last Friday we had to to court to beg them to to repossess our house.  I the way there, we had even worse luck.  Due to mot having enough money in the bank, we did not realise that our insurance had lapsed.  So, we got pulled over by a policeman and after going through things, eventually our car was taken away from us and unless we pay monies before this Saturday, our car will be crushed.  


We we started putting items in eBay to sell to keep ourselves alive.  We have no food whatsoever.  We have been helped by the church before but we don't want to abuse this service.  


On Saturday last week, we sold a TV to a chap from Oxford, jot far away from where we live.  He checked it and was happy, so he went home and completed things on is side and we did so n our side, giving each other positive feedback.  PayPal has made the decision to hold in to our money because we had been identified as a new seller.  This is bollocks.  I have been a member of PayPal and eBay for almost 15 years ow and have actually been the buyer for the majority of the transactions on there.  But I have sold things before.  


We we are so desperate.  We have no food to eat, jmilk, bread, sugar,butter anything at all and haven't had anything to eat for three days now.  Paypal will not release the funds that they got from the chap who purchased our TV.  I have been on the phone five times now, all the calls were over an hour in duration.  They will not release our money before the 21st September.  We are quite honestly on the brink of killing ourselves because we had such bad luck and so many horrible thus happen that we just cannot take it any more.  Life is so hard.  


Can an anyone out there tell us of some way to get PayPal to release our money?  Please we are begging for help.  Can someone out there help us try and get our kidney.  

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Hope you had some better luck!


Sadly its an automated PayPal system that decided which payments to hold and which not to hold.

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Sorry I meant money mot kidney.  What a twit I am about automatic texts.  

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