Buyer LIED, Switched BRAND NEW FITBIT CHARGE 2 for an old Alta and Papal stands behind her?


On 12/2/2017, buyer purchased a SEALED BRAND NEW BLACK FITBIT CHARGE 2 from me in eBay. Twenty days later she contacts me through eBay and sends a photo of an old FITBIT ALTA. she claims that somehow that old Fitbit was inside of the brand new SEALED Fitbit Charge 2 Box. eBay quickly denies her claim and closes the case. She clearly was trying to get away with switching her old Fitbit for a new one. 

Then she writes a message through Paypal and makes the same claim. I call Paypal upset because this buyer is trying to steal from me. I explain everything and am assured that since eBay denied the claim, they will do. Tonight I get a message in the middle of the night that Paypal has sided with this criminal. She will be allowed to send back her old piece of junk and I have to refund her? One, she’s received a new Fitbit and is stealing another $100 from me with the blessing of Paypal. I will not participate in this criminal activity as Paypal appears to want to do. 

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As paypal never sees the item its always one persons word against anothers.


You can't prove that what you sent was what you advertised in your auction so paypal tend to find in favour of the buyer but the buyer has to return the item first before being refunded.


If the buyer has scammed you then you have the option of the small claims court.

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Every criminal in the world should be onto Paypal. All you have to do is buy something on eBay. Claim they sent you an old piece of junk and get a new item along with your money back. I’m not giving a refund. PayPal can sue me for it. This is sanctioned THEFT BY PAYPAL. Attention criminals what a get way to steal from people. I can’t wait to write a press release about this and send it to all the media so the world will know that PayPal is an accomplice to criminal activity.
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Esteemed Advisor



I guess every shop that opens in the high street closes down the minute they get x1 shop-lifter if they worked by your principle.


You take risks when selling online and sometimes you get caught out.


The onus is on you to read how much seller protection is offered by paypal and then risk assess your own transactions.


You are bound to get the odd bad buyer every now and then, we all do, we just put it down to the risks of selling and the fact that I make far more money using paypal (as buyers like it) than i lose with the odd bad transaction.


But if online selling is not for you then try car boot sales / cash in hand.

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I don’t know who you are or where you get off talking to me like I’m some sort of idiot. I’m not so stop it now. 


This is a buyer who clearly is committing fraud. As a seller, I expect Paypal to stand behind my transaction particularly when criminal activity is involved. This is not an “oh well, chalk it up to the cost of doing business” and if you don’t like it sell auto tires or whatever ridiculous thing you said. That’s just ignorant. You’re an advisor? Great PayPal really knows how to represent themselves in a professional manner. 


Ive been an eBay seller for a very long time. I’ve used Paypal since it’s inception. I have immaculate feedback and have no incentive whatsoever to want to scam someone by sending them and old, used product and claiming it’s new. Zero. Further, I worked for Fitbit I know without a shadow of a doubt, zero doubt that what this buyer received was EXACTLY what it was advertised to be. If PayPal wants to loose a good seller, standing behind a criminal is a great way to do it. 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



I will give whatever opinion that i want to on this forum so don't tell me what i can or can not say.


And as I said yes the buyer was dishonest but there is NO WAY paypal can know which of you is telling the truth.


They can't give you 100% seller protection so the onus is on YOU to risk assess your transaction, this one went wrong so why not try the small claims court?


Reading does not seem to be your forte does it, I can see why you are having problems on understanding how paypal works, try reading the bit at the top of this forum, you know the bit that says COMMUNITY FORUM. I have NOTHING to do with paypal.


Try reading up on seller protection, try appealing if they send the wrong thing back, try the small claims court............paypal can't take you by the hand and do everything for you.

Advice is voluntary.
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