Refund money

New Community Member

Transaction ID 6K0588593N660470B

I did not receive a refund.

My card number has changed and money has not arrived.

what should I do? The account numbers have already changed in my profile




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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi adamtyburcy,

Welcome to the community forum and thank for posting.

If I understand correctly, you have been refunded to a card that card cancelled or expired after you paid with it. Due to banking regulations a refund of a payment must be sent to the card from which the payment originated. Even when it has been cancelled or has expired, the refund is returned to your card and will be handled by your card issuer.

To receive your refund, please contact your card issuer and ask them to locate the refunded amount and to deposit it in the account of your credit card. PayPal makes every effort to ensure that refunds to cards are processed in a timely manner. Most refunds will be visible for your card issuer within 2-5 business days; however it might take up to 30 business days for the refund to be fully processed by your card issuer. I recommend that you contact your card issuer once 30 days have passed, to confirm that you have received your refund.


Don't worry, in most cases they will just pass it on to your replacement card and if they can't do that they will send it back to us. If that happens we will add the money on to your PayPal balance.



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