Paypal siding with dishonest seller


I recently ordered an item from China. When it arrived it was the wrong item. I mailed the seller back to ask why they had sent the wrong item. They said they would send the correct item to me.  After about a month the item arrived and it was the correct item but bigger than the size I ordered and the size tag had been cut out to try and mask this. Luckily I know the sizing so knew they were trying to pull a fast one so I contacted PayPal.   PayPal came back to me and said they would refund me the £5.82. In order to get the refund I must send the items back to China using a tracked method and I would be responsible for paying the postage. I checked online and this is going to cost 12.50.  

How ridiculous is this. The items are no good to me so will happily return them but I should not be out of pocket for the postage when the seller on two occasions Intentionally sent the wrong item, probably because they did not have the original item I wanted anyway. They think they can just send anything and keep our money and yet PayPal are allowing this to continue by backing these dishonest sellers. Completely unreasonable PayPal and I shall be escalating this issue with someone at the top.

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Esteemed Advisor



I guess you did not read up on buyer protection before you started to buy as paypal clearly state  >>


PayPal is not obliged to reimburse you for any costs that you incur to comply with any of PayPal’s requests for cooperation for the purpose of resolving the problem (including, without limitation, costs that you incur to return a SNAD item to the Payment Recipient or another party as PayPal requests), although sometimes it may reimburse these costs.


HOWEVER they would have helped you with those costs if you had activated the below link BEFORE buying the item.

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Just update, i have had a positive outcome now asI called PayPal today and speaking to a human rather than dealing with automated systems has paid off. Apparently it's an automated system that gives these responses. The main issue with case is that the seller first of all sent the wrong item and when contacted they claimed the factory changed the design. They then said they had the correct item and would send it. They did send it it but it was two sizes bigger than was ordered but the size tag had been cit out of the item. When questioned they said the factory changed the size. Despite the fact they had a size chart on their sale page and that I'm also familiar with the brand from China and know the sizing. After contacting PayPal today they said straight away that it would be ridiculous to send the item back to China so they said they would refund me straight away and will get the money from the seller. They have also flagged the seller to another team to look into as in the past month they have quite a bit of negative feedback for the same type of thing. Unfortunately that was left after I had made my original purchase So all in all a good outcome so if anyone else has a similar situation I would urge you to call PayPal and give them the full details. The computer system unfortunately can't deal with common sense and you need to speak to someone to understand the situation. Also it has flagged the seller so they are being looked into. We need to all take responsibility for reporting these issues and giving honest feedback on ebay so dishonest sellers can be eradicated.
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