Legit phone call from PAYPAL?


Paypal just called me. The caller ID said it was PAYPAL INC.   I know caller ID info can now be faked.


They knew my name and said they wanted to verifiy a transacation I had made a couple days ago. It was an ebay purchase. All I said was "yes" and that was it - they didn't ask for any other information. I didn't think fast enough to ask why they were calling. Should I be worried?


I know I could call but figured this forum might be easier and help others with similar situations. Thanks.

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee



This is a great question!  Welcome to the PayPal Community Forums.


I know many people are concerned about receiving unexpected calls regarding the activity on their PayPal account.  This action represents one of the many ways in which we here at PayPal work to make sure we are providing the safest environment online for people to transact.


Often, we will call out to our customers to confirm the activity on their account is not unauthorized activity.  


It sounds like this is exactly what happened in your case.


Glad we can ease your concerns and confirm that this is a normal PayPal action.  Smiley Very Happy





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Thanks for your reply. The phone call sounded legit but these days they seldom are. And there seemed nothing suspicious about the transaction so thanks for putting my mind at ease.


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After that transaction that was questioned, I paid for two more auctions and received receipts from Paypal. Then a day after each, I receive an email from ebay:

"Your payment needs to be resent. Sorry, your recent PayPal payment did not go through. As a result, the item(s) below have not received payment. Please return to eBay to resubmit your payment again."


Both transactions are listed in my paypal list so I'm not about to pay twice. Getting hold of an ebay phone number is impossible. I don't know if this is a PP or ebay problem but it's driving me to the edge. Questions to the sellers have gone unanswered so far.

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