Statement of Non-Auth for SNAD claim


There is a story circulating of a UK buyer who purchased a fake designer bag on ebay.  Buyer filed a SNAD claim w/ PP.  Buyer was told to have the bag authenticated by an auth service and provide PP with a "written statement of non-auth on letterhead".  The buyer did same via an online auth service in the UK who has provided same for PP/ebay claims prior.  Upon submitting the written statement of non-auth, the buyer was told that PP would ONLY accept a statement of non-auth from a service known as MY POUPETTE.  Buyer then contacted My Poupette, and has yet to receive ANY response from My Poupette (which has become the norm when contacting My Poup, such complaints are stated often). 

Anyway, the buyer was then advised by PP that an EMAIL from a store who sold the same brand of designer bag would suffice.  SO, the buyer supposedly contacted a store in the US who does sell this particular brand of bag, and supposedly did email the store pix of the supposed fake bag, and DID receive an email from the store which said "It is my opinion that this is not an authentic (X brand) bag. Thanks for sending".  And that is ALL that the email said.  As to the bag that was supposedly submitted to the store for authentication, no reference was made in the email reply as to the style of bag, color of bag, style #.. nothing.  NO DETAILS to indicate in any way the actual bag that was submitted for authentication... other than the brand.

Supposedly, the buyer will be submitting this email to PP as a statement of non-auth in her SNAD dispute.

Now perhaps PP will also require the buyer to ALSO forward to PP the original email from the buyer showing to whom she emailed pix and what pix were submitted.  I don't know.

My concern is (a) does PP now have some policy that only a RETAILER or MY POUPETTE will be the accepted venues for PP claims?  Quite frankly, there are MANY online complaints against MY POUP for lack of response to requests for same.  And MOST employees who work in retail establishments are trained solely as SALES AGENTS and DO NOT have the expertise to authenticate the designer brands that they sell. 

(b) is PP going to accept an EMAIL stating a bag is counterfit w/ out proper reference from the person who "authenticated" the bag proving that the bag authenticated was indeed the same bag sold in the ebay auction?  Most of the online auth services that I have had contact with have a very specific formatted statement that they submit that clarifies the ebay listing #, the color/style/brand and distinguishing markings of the bag, etc.  These online services are typically VERY specific in their letters to assist in showing that the bag they authenticated is the same bag in the dispute.  If a simple email from a retailer stating "this XXX bag is fake" is also it takes to provide a statement of non-auth, scams against sellers are soon to run amuck, IMO!

I would like to hear from sellers who have thoughts on this.  I'd really also like to hear from PP as to ANY policy involving what online venues may be used for providing statements of non-auth. 

I sincerely hope that (a) PP will not limit statement of non-auth to ONLY My Poup or a retailer.  I would also like ot ask PP to PLEASE put something somewhere on this website as to what IS accepted for statements of non-auth, as your reps are not at all consistent in what they are advising persons involved in disputes.


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