Paypal put me in the negative.


Recently I was scammed into selling an item from a game for money.  I was naive and thought this was going to work well.  So I sold the item for $249.  Two weeks later I receive a notice about a reversal of the money going back to the buyer.  After doing some searching I found that if you sell an intangible item, you have absolutely no hope of keeping the money and also found that paypal even allows people to do reversal without returning the item with a tangible item.  Ok, well I figured this was a good life lesson about people scamming you and that paypal doesn't care about the seller.


Now today I get an email that I owe Paypal money.  I owe them $20.  I was curious how I could owe paypal money and found that I was actually charged $20 for a chargeback settlement.  Not only did I not do anything wrong, but I was scammed by the buyer and now by Paypal.  All I did was sell an intangible item from a game for money, was scammed and the buyer was rewarded the money back, but now Paypal is making me pay $20 to cover the fee to get the scammer his money back.


Please tell me Paypal how this is even legal.  How is this fair and is this another life lesson about everyone trying to  *bleep* you, even Paypal.



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 Same thing happened to me. Thy buyer disputed the transaction right after he got an item from me, claiming that the transaction was an unauthorized one. Now my item is gone and the money is held and probably will go back to the scammer. I cannot prove the item was sent because it was a virtual goods.


 I've done some googling and there are actually so many cases just like this for years and paypal simply doesn't care. I'm done with paypal and ebay from now on.



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the poster above me has the right attitude.  The only way to put a stop to the ridiculous policies that are in place is to simply not use paypal.  It is an inherently flawed system for honest users and is perfectly tailored to support online scamming. 

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