How long must I wait for Paypal to resolve a dispute?


I sold an item on EBay, shipped it using USPS though my ad stated I would ship UPS. My buyer went ballistic, filed a claim with Paypal to hold the funds. I responded with the tracking number. The package was delivered last friday and when I review the open dispute it still says "paypal is reviewing". So I assume eventually Paypal will get off their **bleep** and see that it's been a week since I provided them with the proof of delivery and that they need to resolve this dispute once and for all. My question is, after I have posted 3 notes over the past week to be sent to Paypal to help them resolve the dispute I am not getting any sign that there is life at Paypal and that they are doing a **bleep** thing except holding my money and letting my buyer keep his item for free. We're talking $200 here and I need the money. How can I get Paypal's attention to let them know they need to do something to resolve this??

So much for Paypal's seller protection.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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I have been trying for months to get a reason for "failed payments". PayPal say my bank is refusing payment. I was advised to speak to my bank. I have done this around 4 times. My bank says there is nothing wrong with my accounts and that they have not refused any payments. I have also made made calls to Lloyds ClickSafe - again they say there is no problem. So why are my payments continually being  refused? I now avoid Ebay altogether and buy from another source.

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It seems that if you call customer service you can get things resolved faster. emailing them or contacting "Support" always, to me anyway; seems like a waste of time. Hope your issued was resolved. good luck.

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Does PayPal have a phone number where they can be reached? 

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I feel like paypal is being unfair to me even if Im just a new seller here on ebay. Its my first time to sell an item and when I ship it last feb 12 and completely delivered feb 16 I still dont get my money and its still pending. While on the other hand, I purchase an item feb 12 and paid it and after 3 days the money was taken from my bank account but I still dont have the item. I tried to contact both person whom Ive sold the item and the other item that I purchase from different person but I dont get any answer from both of them. Also there are people here that dont mark on shipping after they ship the item. Both of them didnt put a feedback on me as well. It says I will need a positive feeback too before the payment is release. How come this other person that I paid for the item already got my money when I didnt put a feed back on him yet coz I dont have the item yet. I feel paypal is being unfair.

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i know your pain im going through yhe same thing im also new to ebay .i sold an item and shipped the newt day and the buyer had to get it by now because if he didnt he sure would of said something by now ,because its going on 3 weeks ,but my thing is i gota wait on my money because some #@@#%^ didt put a review!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I do not think PayPal treats all cases fairly.  Esty

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Where did you find a phone number to call? I have been waiting 3 weeks for my money and nothing has been disputed. I have proof of delivery and yet PayPal continues to sit on my money.

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First you need to login to your Paypal acct. Then from the "Account Overview" screen off to the right is a link that says "Contact Us". Click on that then there is another link that says "Call Us". Click on that and you will be given a "secure web" number that you need to write down (it's only valid for 60 minutes) then call them at the phone number shown.

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Frequent Contributor

I am happy to see a good outcome!

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Dtrain is exactly rite. Hopefully you get an English speaking opp. Well one who speaks English well anyway...LOL


Good luck Everyone..

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