Paypal won't reopen case


Hi All


I'm fuming atm because paypal will not re-open a case due to "technicalities"



- Purchased item on 14th Nov 20

- Long story short .. Item was defective and I resent back to seller 14th Dec 20

- I opened a case on the same day for a refund

- I was unaware that I had to escalate the case. TBH I didn't even know that there are steps to do so because each time I require a refund it is usually simple. I left this note on their system as my intention to escalate the case. However the case was still closed.


- The item was shipped back to the sender where it sat in the distribution centre (Italy) unclaimed for 2 months.

- The item was then shipped back to me.



- I spoke to a manager Kate (Emp ID 46860) .. who has now confirmed that Paypal cannot (will not) do anything and advised me to contact my CC provider.

- Paypal are saying that because I did not "escalate" the case through their "processes" that nothing can be done. Thus my "technicality" of the situation.



- Do I have a leg to stand on ?

- Is there any way to get around this ?



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Anyone have any kind of insight ?

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Esteemed Advisor



You are sent an email when you open a dispute stating to escalate before xxx date, that is also on the resolution centre when you open a dispute.

If you do not escalate within 20 days it times out and closes.

You can only open x1 dispute per transaction unfortunately.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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